Expertise / Publikationen/Downloads
Helmich, I (2016). Sportbedingte Gehirnerschütterungen: neue diagnostische Möglichkeiten. IMPULSE
Helmich, I (2016). Neue diagnostische Möglichkeiten sportbedingter Gehirnerschütterungen. Sportmedizin in Nordrhein. Sportärztebund Nordrhein e.V.
Hilfe für das Erkennen einer Gehirnerschütterung bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen
Sport Concussion Assessment Tool für Kinder
Helmich, I (2016). Game-specific characteristics of sport-related concussions. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness.
Sport Concussion Assessment Tool
Helmich I, Berger A, Lausberg H (2016). Neural control of posture in individuals with a post-concussion syndrome. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
Helmich I, Saluja RS, Lausberg H, Berger A, Chen J-K, Ptito A (2015). Persistent post-concussive symptoms are accompanied by decreased functional brain oxygenation using functional NIRS imaging. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci.
Helmich I, Lausberg H (2019). Nonverbal hand movement durations indicate post-concussion symptoms of athletes. J Neurotrauma.
I.Helmich, K.C.H.Reinecke, K.Meuter, N.Simalla, N.Ollinger, R.Junge, H.Lausberg (2019) Symptoms after sport-related concussions alter gestural functions. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
I.Helmich, N.Nussbaum, H.Lausberg (2020) Hyperactive movement behaviour of athletes with post-concussion symptoms. Behavioural Brain Research
I.Helmich, J.A. Coenen, S. Henckert, E. Pardalis, S. Schupp, H.Lausberg (2020) Reduced frontopolar brain activation characterizes concussed athletes with balance deficits. Neuroimage: Clinical